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Horaire AYM LIVE pour la semaine du 30 mars au 5 avril 2020
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Here are some tips for optimal practice at home! 1. Set your practice space in a calm room (Don’t hesitate to move furniture around!) 2. Set your computer where you can see it well, without crunching your neck all the time and make sure you plug it so you don’t run out of battery. 3. Do you need/have pops? Blocs (books, soup can, dictionary, rolled up towel, small side table), a strap (Belt, tie, scarf or a skipping rope), a bolster (pillows, cushion, rolled up towel) 4. Remember, we can’t see you and correct you so safety first! Pace yourself, slow down and prone a selflove practice over performance. ; )5. We can't go out, so use that opportunity to go in and explore + connect with yourself! See you soon!
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Mysore Montreal
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Chers membres AYM,
Suite aux recommandations du gouvernement du Québec, nous sommes dans le devoir de fermer AYM, effectif immédiatement et jusqu'à nouvel ordre. La santé et sécurité de toute notre communauté est notre plus haute priorité, et nous sommes convaincus que c'est la marche à suivre pour contenir la contagion.
Évidemment, c'est une décision difficile puisque nous savons tous que le yoga est le meilleur anti-stress qui soit en plus d'être une bonne façon de stimuler notre système immunitaire. C'est pourquoi, au cours des prochains jours, nous verrons à vous proposer des moyens alternatifs qui vous permettront de maintenir votre pratique. Continuez à nous suivre sur Facebook où nous publierons des nouvelles à ce sujet.
En attendant, soyez prudents, prenez grand soin de vous et de ceux qui vous entoure. Au plaisir de se revoir très bientôt.
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Nous sommes OUVERTS !
Chère communauté AYM, notre promesse est de fournir un environnement sécuritaire pour poursuivre notre pratique ensemble.
La pratique du yoga, au-delà de l'exercice, aide à fortifier le système nerveux. Si notre système nerveux est heureux et fonctionne bien, tous les autres systèmes devraient pouvoir se réguler correctement. Dans les semaines à venir, nous offrirons divers Asana dédiées à la santé de nos systèmes immunitaires et:
1. Nous faisons de notre mieux pour fournir un désinfectant pour les mains dans notre lobby mais rappelez-vous: laver les mains pendant 20 secondes avec du savon et l'eau est notre meilleure défense.
2. Nous fournissons notre spray désinfectant ainsi que des lingettes pour essuyer tous les accessoires (sangles, supports, couvertures, chaises) et tapis après chaque utilisation.
3. Nous fournissons des serviettes à utiliser avec nos supports et nos couvertures - si vous avez les vôtres merci de les apporter afin de réduire le lavage.
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Équilibre sur les bras et inversion avec Terri McCollum.
Mardis 24 et 31 mars de 18:00 à 20:00.
$35 ($30 étudiant) ou $60 ($55 étudiant) pour les deux dates
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Backbending Workshop with Yaelle.
Samedi 14 mars de 13:30 à 16:30
50$ +tx
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Restorative yoga, harp & spoken word - 25$Dimanche 22 mars 2020 de 14:30 à 16:00. Yoga Restaurateur, respiration et méditation avec Christine Elise, Kuf Knotz, Myles Bullen et Julien Gagnon.Tous niveaux.
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Atelier ouverture de hanches avec Jeanne Mudie: Samedi 7 mars 2020 de 14:00 à 16:00. Cet atelier se concentrera sur la recherche d'un sentiment d'équilibre dans le bassin, la libération de la tension, la réduction de l'effort, la recherche de la neutralité et la libération des hanches et des jambes. Les exercices étudieront comment la raideur des hanches peut affecter le reste du corps. Cet atelier est conçu pour les personnes ayant une pratique régulière des asanas de tout niveau, tous sont invités à venir explorer.
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Intro Ashtanga – Série Primaire avec Karine.6 semaines, tous les mardis soir, à 18h15, classe de 90 min. 11/02 L’origine de la pratique et Surya Namaskar A 18/02 Surya Namaskar B 25/02 Séquence poses debout et poses préparatoires 03/03 Séquence poses assises et poses préparatoires 10/03 Séquence poses finales et poses préparatoires 17/03 Pratique guidée complète.Vous pouvez vous joindre au groupe pour la série complète ou un cours spécifique. Le Ashtanga est une pratique indépendante de yoga qui invite les praticiens à répéter une séquence de mouvements fluides. Son enseignement se fait habituellement dans les classes de Mysore, mais il est aussi possible de suivre des classes préparatoires, comme celles-ci, pour explorer et se familiariser avec cette approche, ainsi que la série primaire.
Ce cours s’adresse aux individus qui débutent ou qui ont déjà une pratique de yoga, mais qui souhaitent acquérir tranquillement une aisance et une autonomie dans sa pratique personnelle.
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Présence innée: introduction à la pleine conscience avec Dawn Mauricio. Samedi 1 février 2020 de 14:00 à 16:00. La pleine conscience est simple mais puissante. Grâce à la méditation guidée et à la discussion, découvrez tout ce que la pleine conscience a à offrir, ressentez ses bienfaits et découvrez la richesse en vous qui se révèle lorsque vous ralentissez. Nous explorerons la marche et la méditation assise, comment intégrer dans la pratique des expériences désagréables et comment appliquer la pleine conscience aux activités quotidiennes.
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Jules Mitchell MS, CMT, ERYT500 is a Las Vegas-based yoga teacher, educator, and massage therapist. Her unique approach blends the tradition of yoga with her extensive study in biomechanics to help teachers develop their craft and empower them with education. Jules’s methods intend to achieve ease in movement through deliberate effort, thus her teachings integrate numerous modalities, balancing the somatic aspects of yoga with the most current exercise science. Bringing the most useful and applicable pieces of that science into the yoga community is her passion. She regularly contributes to teacher training programs and leads workshops and courses worldwide. Her book, Yoga Biomechanics: Stretching Redefined, is now available through Handspring Publishing. Intensive weekend (12 hours)
Friday, January 24th, 6 pm to 9 pm
Saturday, January 25th, 9:30 am to 12:30 pm Saturday January 25th, 2:30 pm to 5:30 pm
Sunday, January 26th, 9:30 pm to 12:30 pm
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LoveYourBrain FUNdamentals yoga series. WHAT: This FREE 6-week program offers gentle yoga, guided meditation, and facilitated group discussion to build community and foster resilience.
WHO: LoveYourBrain Yoga is for people with traumatic brain injury and their caregivers who are:
Able to move without assistance (no wheelchair, cane, walker)
Open to participating in group discussion (includes simply listening)
Able to follow instructions and regulate intense emotions
Able to commit to all 6 classes (the first class is mandatory)
Younger than 71 years of age
*Please note: caregivers and individuals who have experienced traumatic brain injury are not required to attend together; both are welcome to attend the program on their own.
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Samedi 11 janvier 2020 de 16:00 à 17:15. Classe tous niveaux. Bienvenus aux débutants! Une pratique accessible et ludique agrémentée de canins. Juliette et Olivier seront présents! Donation suggérée 10.00$ à 20.00$
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Mercredi 1 janvier 2020 de 13:30 à 15:30
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22 nov. - 24 nov. - Weekend with Jeanne Mudie and Julien Gagnon - Friday 5:30-8:30 Jeanne (Looking at breathing techniques and ways to access the two main branches of the nervous system. Saturday 9-12 Julien (Active Restorative focusing on Supine standing poses). Saturday 1:30-4:30 Jeanne (Calming Postures: Examining forwardbends and cooling inversions. Sunday 9-12 Jeanne (Stimulating Poses: Examining backbends and heating inversions. Sunday 1:30-4:30 Jeanne (Sequencing Using our restorative practice to support and enhance our active practice. How to sequence based on the theme of our class. Looking at what the counter postures are to our main restorative poses. Each session is 65.00$ plus taxes 325.00$ plus taxes for the week-end
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Samedi 9 novembre 2019 samedi de 14:30 à 16:30 - Tadasana with Jeanne Mudie - Sometimes it’s best to simplify, to strip down, get to basics, and to really deconstruct. In this workshop we will see how tadasana is present in every pose, and to find how a vibrant, grounded mountain pose will serve to strengthen the practice
35.00$ plus taxes
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Workshops Dansehumaine avec Kristen Cere - 10 november 13:30 to 15:30 - Danse humaine est une approche nouvelle et originale du mouvement. Conçu comme un aboutissement de la danse contemporaine, de diverses techniques somatiques et du body-mind centering , ce cours vous permettra de reconnecter le corps et l'âme en favorisant des correspondances intérieures, en suscitant la joie spontanée, la liberté et une nouvelle appréciation de soi."Danse Humaine est le résultat d'années de travail et de croissance personnelle, et une recherche dans la compréhension de ce que je souhaite véritablement offrir au travers de la danse. Une façon d'utiliser mon expérience et rendre un peu de ce que j'ai reçu à la communauté"
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Myo Fascia lines and Alignment with Tony Eng. Dimanche 3 novembre 2019 de 09:00 à 12:00. This training workshop will help you understand the connection of the myo-fascial lines throughout the body.
We will explore these lines in detail through yoga postures and alignment.
Myo-fascial lines are integral to the functional movement, coordination and stability of the body. By aligning the fascial lines,
it will improve body awareness, balance and strength. It will also help you understand the causes of your injuries and limitations.
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November 1st, 2nd and 3rd
Friday 5:30 to 8:30PM (Tony)
Explorations of the nervous system through yoga, breath, and meditation: This training workshop will dive deep into the structure and functionality of the nervous system. We will explore the importance of this system, also make links with other systems and the rest of the body. This will be introduced by downregulating the nervous system through restorative yoga postures, breathing techniques and meditation through visualization.
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Class all level
Beginners are welcome!
An accessible and fun practice with dogs.
Juliette and Olivier will be present!
Donation suggested $ 10.00 to $ 20.00
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Pour le mois d'octobre tous les cours de 10 h sont 10. $
Venez nous rejoindre !!
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We are now on YogaTribes! Come check out our profile and please make sure to add us in your favourites!
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October 3, 2019 starts LoveYourBrain FUNdamentals yoga series. It is a FREE 6-week program that offers gentle yoga, guided meditation, and facilitated group discussion to build community and foster resilience for people with traumatic brain injury and their caregivers. Classes are limited to 13 students so sign up today! Each person must submit their own registration. If you are planning to attend with another person, please try to submit both applications close together so you both get a spot.
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September 28th from 2:30 to 5:30PM
In this workshop, we will learn the functionality and connection of nerves and how to release and change neural pathways. We will explore these pathways through yoga postures, breathing techniques, meditation and visualization. We will also learn how to release compressed nerves and re-wire old dysfunctional patterns to bring the body back to alignment and health.
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Workshops Dansehumaine avec Kristen Cere
15 septembre 2019
Danse humaine est un aboutissement de la danse contemporaine, de diverses techniques somatiques et du body-mind centering. Kristen Cere est une danseuse professionnelle, chorégraphe et professeure depuis plus de 15 ans. "Danse Humaine est le résultat d'années de travail et de croissance personnelle, et une recherche dans la compréhension de ce que je souhaite véritablement offrir au travers de la danse. Une façon d'utiliser mon expérience et rendre un peu de ce que j'ai reçu à la communauté"
Danse humaine is inspired by the world of contemporary dance, somatic approaches to movement and body-mind centering. Kristen Cere is a professional dancer, choreographer and teacher for over the past 15 years. "Danse Humaine is the result of years of work and personal growth and development of trying to understand what it is that I really want to offer through dance. A way to use my experience and give back to the community"
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An extremely versatile tool, the chair provides excellent support and reliable external feedback that can enhance yoga practice at any level, from simple seated exercises that nearly anyone can to making complex poses accessible and creating new possibilities for deeper explorations in strength, flexibility, and awareness.
Aug 22, 5:00-9:00 pm — Seated and mild yoga series for seniors and people with reduced mobility
Aug 23 5:00-9:00 pm — Modifications of classic poses using the chair
Aug 24 8:00 am - noon — Backbending and backbending preparations unique to the chair
Aug 24 1:00-5:00 pm — Twists, arm balances, and non-traditional uses of the chair
Aug 25 noon - 4:00 pm — Hip opening, forward bends, and restoratives with the chair*
$250.00 +tax before Aug 15, $350.00 after**
*Content subject to modification based on the needs and interest of the group
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Celebrate International Yoga Day with Us | June 20-21
Free Yoga all day on June 21. Bring Your Friends!
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May 13th to June 17th, 2019 – 7:30 to 8:45 pm
As the pace of our lives quicken, as our stressors increase, as we are bombarded with messages designed to monetize our desires, the wisdom of the Buddhist tradition becomes even more relevant to our daily lives. Join Allison Ulan for this mindfulness meditation series on how these timeless teachings could help you find insight, peace, and clarity.
These sessions are based on Vipassana meditation and mindfulness practices to cultivate presence, compassion and emotional resilience. Each session will comprise of a 30-minute sitting practice (cushions and chairs provided) and a Dharma talk on various topics. Discussion and sharing will follow the talk in a welcoming community circle of meditators.
No sign up necessary. Attend when you can. Fee: The sessions are offered by dana (donation: no fixed charge).
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Friday May 3 with James Viveiros from 10h30 to 11h45
Friday May 10 with James Viveiros from 10h30 to 11h45
Friday May 17 with Sarah Gibson from 10h30 to 11h45
Friday May 24 with Sarah Gibson from 10h30 to 11h45
Friday May 31 with Laura Toma from 10h30 to 11h45
Gaga/dancers classes are open to professional dancers or advanced dance students ages 16+.
These classes last for an hour and fifteen minutes . Gaga/dancers classes are built on the same principles as Gaga/people classes but also employ the specific vocabulary and skills that are part and parcel of a dancer’s knowledge.
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Saturday, May 11 from 2:30 PM – 3:45 PM with James Viveiros
Saturday, May 25th from 2:30 PM – 3:45 PM with Laura Toma
Cost: $16 plus taxes">
Gaga is a movement language which Ohad Naharin developed over the course of many years and which is applied in daily practice and exercises by the Batsheva Dance Company members. The language of Gaga originated from the belief in the healing, dynamic, ever-changing power of movement, and it continues to evolve today.
Gaga is a new way of gaining knowledge and self-awareness through your body. Gaga provides a framework for discovering and strengthening your body and adding flexibility, stamina, and agility while lightening the senses and imagination.">
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Saturday May 18th from 2:30 to 4:00PM
Detoxify. Tone up. Meditate.
Micro spherical movements
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Pour nourrir votre espace de pratique in & out, divers ateliers seront offerts cet automne, plus de détails ici:
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Message de la propriéatire du studio, Jeanne Mudie, pour mieux accueillir les vagues et vaguelettes de novembre: divers ateliers vous sont proposés au studio AYM!
This month is a busy one around the studio. Check out the workshops we are offering to help you ride the waves.
A special Yoga for Beginners class will run for 6 weeks (instead of the usual 8). Pierre-Vincent will lead a new Meditation series. Julien will give three Friday workshops, continuing his series focused on deepening your practice or your teachings. We are also pleased to welcome Shankara back to AYM for his Pranayama Workshop. Shankara is a gifted senior teacher and this workshop truly is the gateway to the realm of inner yogic experiences. To finish the month, Michael Bridge Dickson and I will be teaching the third weekend in our Teacher Training. (...)
Visit the Workshop section of our website for details on all our workshops
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« Sometimes in the waves of change we find our new direction. »
Many of you know I grew up on an island on the West Coast. The salt of the sea is in my blood and waves are part of my essence.
Like the ocean, life comes at us in waves. Sometimes they’re small and soothing. Sometimes they’re big and scary. And we can plan all we want, but we are never really sure what kind of wave is heading towards us.
This is why we practice. For those moments of unpredictability, when things don’t go according to plan. When life delivers storms, our practice is there to help us settle and find peace within.
We can set goals, create plans, structure a life around our desires, but ultimately there are things beyond our control that we can do nothing about.
Practice is for those rogue waves. We try to settle in and sail through to calmer waters.
This November, let’s surf the mat,
Photo by Emiliano Arano from Pexels
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Changements et remplaçants de novembre 2018:
Mercredi 7 novembre – Carole – 18:15
Mercredi 14 novembre – Alexe – 12:15
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We are now on YogaTribes! Come check out our profile and please make sure to add us in your favourites!
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Edit your profile
Horaire AYM LIVE pour la semaine du 30 mars au 5 avril 2020
Here are some tips for optimal practice at home! 1. Set your practice space in a calm room (Don’t hesitate to move furniture around!) 2. Set your computer where you can see it well, without crunching your neck all the time and make sure you plug it so you don’t run out of battery. 3. Do you need/have pops? Blocs (books, soup can, dictionary, rolled up towel, small side table), a strap (Belt, tie, scarf or a skipping rope), a bolster (pillows, cushion, rolled up towel) 4. Remember, we can’t see you and correct you so safety first! Pace yourself, slow down and prone a selflove practice over performance. ; )5. We can't go out, so use that opportunity to go in and explore + connect with yourself! See you soon!
Mysore Montreal
Chers membres AYM,
Suite aux recommandations du gouvernement du Québec, nous sommes dans le devoir de fermer AYM, effectif immédiatement et jusqu'à nouvel ordre. La santé et sécurité de toute notre communauté est notre plus haute priorité, et nous sommes convaincus que c'est la marche à suivre pour contenir la contagion.
Évidemment, c'est une décision difficile puisque nous savons tous que le yoga est le meilleur anti-stress qui soit en plus d'être une bonne façon de stimuler notre système immunitaire. C'est pourquoi, au cours des prochains jours, nous verrons à vous proposer des moyens alternatifs qui vous permettront de maintenir votre pratique. Continuez à nous suivre sur Facebook où nous publierons des nouvelles à ce sujet.
En attendant, soyez prudents, prenez grand soin de vous et de ceux qui vous entoure. Au plaisir de se revoir très bientôt.
Nous sommes OUVERTS !
Chère communauté AYM, notre promesse est de fournir un environnement sécuritaire pour poursuivre notre pratique ensemble.
La pratique du yoga, au-delà de l'exercice, aide à fortifier le système nerveux. Si notre système nerveux est heureux et fonctionne bien, tous les autres systèmes devraient pouvoir se réguler correctement. Dans les semaines à venir, nous offrirons divers Asana dédiées à la santé de nos systèmes immunitaires et:
1. Nous faisons de notre mieux pour fournir un désinfectant pour les mains dans notre lobby mais rappelez-vous: laver les mains pendant 20 secondes avec du savon et l'eau est notre meilleure défense.
2. Nous fournissons notre spray désinfectant ainsi que des lingettes pour essuyer tous les accessoires (sangles, supports, couvertures, chaises) et tapis après chaque utilisation.
3. Nous fournissons des serviettes à utiliser avec nos supports et nos couvertures - si vous avez les vôtres merci de les apporter afin de réduire le lavage.
Équilibre sur les bras et inversion avec Terri McCollum.
Mardis 24 et 31 mars de 18:00 à 20:00.
$35 ($30 étudiant) ou $60 ($55 étudiant) pour les deux dates
Backbending Workshop with Yaelle.
Samedi 14 mars de 13:30 à 16:30
50$ +tx
Restorative yoga, harp & spoken word - 25$Dimanche 22 mars 2020 de 14:30 à 16:00. Yoga Restaurateur, respiration et méditation avec Christine Elise, Kuf Knotz, Myles Bullen et Julien Gagnon.Tous niveaux.
Atelier ouverture de hanches avec Jeanne Mudie: Samedi 7 mars 2020 de 14:00 à 16:00. Cet atelier se concentrera sur la recherche d'un sentiment d'équilibre dans le bassin, la libération de la tension, la réduction de l'effort, la recherche de la neutralité et la libération des hanches et des jambes. Les exercices étudieront comment la raideur des hanches peut affecter le reste du corps. Cet atelier est conçu pour les personnes ayant une pratique régulière des asanas de tout niveau, tous sont invités à venir explorer.
Intro Ashtanga – Série Primaire avec Karine.6 semaines, tous les mardis soir, à 18h15, classe de 90 min. 11/02 L’origine de la pratique et Surya Namaskar A 18/02 Surya Namaskar B 25/02 Séquence poses debout et poses préparatoires 03/03 Séquence poses assises et poses préparatoires 10/03 Séquence poses finales et poses préparatoires 17/03 Pratique guidée complète.Vous pouvez vous joindre au groupe pour la série complète ou un cours spécifique. Le Ashtanga est une pratique indépendante de yoga qui invite les praticiens à répéter une séquence de mouvements fluides. Son enseignement se fait habituellement dans les classes de Mysore, mais il est aussi possible de suivre des classes préparatoires, comme celles-ci, pour explorer et se familiariser avec cette approche, ainsi que la série primaire.
Ce cours s’adresse aux individus qui débutent ou qui ont déjà une pratique de yoga, mais qui souhaitent acquérir tranquillement une aisance et une autonomie dans sa pratique personnelle.
Présence innée: introduction à la pleine conscience avec Dawn Mauricio. Samedi 1 février 2020 de 14:00 à 16:00. La pleine conscience est simple mais puissante. Grâce à la méditation guidée et à la discussion, découvrez tout ce que la pleine conscience a à offrir, ressentez ses bienfaits et découvrez la richesse en vous qui se révèle lorsque vous ralentissez. Nous explorerons la marche et la méditation assise, comment intégrer dans la pratique des expériences désagréables et comment appliquer la pleine conscience aux activités quotidiennes.
Jules Mitchell MS, CMT, ERYT500 is a Las Vegas-based yoga teacher, educator, and massage therapist. Her unique approach blends the tradition of yoga with her extensive study in biomechanics to help teachers develop their craft and empower them with education. Jules’s methods intend to achieve ease in movement through deliberate effort, thus her teachings integrate numerous modalities, balancing the somatic aspects of yoga with the most current exercise science. Bringing the most useful and applicable pieces of that science into the yoga community is her passion. She regularly contributes to teacher training programs and leads workshops and courses worldwide. Her book, Yoga Biomechanics: Stretching Redefined, is now available through Handspring Publishing. Intensive weekend (12 hours)
Friday, January 24th, 6 pm to 9 pm
Saturday, January 25th, 9:30 am to 12:30 pm Saturday January 25th, 2:30 pm to 5:30 pm
Sunday, January 26th, 9:30 pm to 12:30 pm
LoveYourBrain FUNdamentals yoga series. WHAT: This FREE 6-week program offers gentle yoga, guided meditation, and facilitated group discussion to build community and foster resilience.
WHO: LoveYourBrain Yoga is for people with traumatic brain injury and their caregivers who are:
Able to move without assistance (no wheelchair, cane, walker)
Open to participating in group discussion (includes simply listening)
Able to follow instructions and regulate intense emotions
Able to commit to all 6 classes (the first class is mandatory)
Younger than 71 years of age
*Please note: caregivers and individuals who have experienced traumatic brain injury are not required to attend together; both are welcome to attend the program on their own.
Samedi 11 janvier 2020 de 16:00 à 17:15. Classe tous niveaux. Bienvenus aux débutants! Une pratique accessible et ludique agrémentée de canins. Juliette et Olivier seront présents! Donation suggérée 10.00$ à 20.00$
Mercredi 1 janvier 2020 de 13:30 à 15:30
22 nov. - 24 nov. - Weekend with Jeanne Mudie and Julien Gagnon - Friday 5:30-8:30 Jeanne (Looking at breathing techniques and ways to access the two main branches of the nervous system. Saturday 9-12 Julien (Active Restorative focusing on Supine standing poses). Saturday 1:30-4:30 Jeanne (Calming Postures: Examining forwardbends and cooling inversions. Sunday 9-12 Jeanne (Stimulating Poses: Examining backbends and heating inversions. Sunday 1:30-4:30 Jeanne (Sequencing Using our restorative practice to support and enhance our active practice. How to sequence based on the theme of our class. Looking at what the counter postures are to our main restorative poses. Each session is 65.00$ plus taxes 325.00$ plus taxes for the week-end
Samedi 9 novembre 2019 samedi de 14:30 à 16:30 - Tadasana with Jeanne Mudie - Sometimes it’s best to simplify, to strip down, get to basics, and to really deconstruct. In this workshop we will see how tadasana is present in every pose, and to find how a vibrant, grounded mountain pose will serve to strengthen the practice
35.00$ plus taxes
Workshops Dansehumaine avec Kristen Cere - 10 november 13:30 to 15:30 - Danse humaine est une approche nouvelle et originale du mouvement. Conçu comme un aboutissement de la danse contemporaine, de diverses techniques somatiques et du body-mind centering , ce cours vous permettra de reconnecter le corps et l'âme en favorisant des correspondances intérieures, en suscitant la joie spontanée, la liberté et une nouvelle appréciation de soi."Danse Humaine est le résultat d'années de travail et de croissance personnelle, et une recherche dans la compréhension de ce que je souhaite véritablement offrir au travers de la danse. Une façon d'utiliser mon expérience et rendre un peu de ce que j'ai reçu à la communauté"
Myo Fascia lines and Alignment with Tony Eng. Dimanche 3 novembre 2019 de 09:00 à 12:00. This training workshop will help you understand the connection of the myo-fascial lines throughout the body.
We will explore these lines in detail through yoga postures and alignment.
Myo-fascial lines are integral to the functional movement, coordination and stability of the body. By aligning the fascial lines,
it will improve body awareness, balance and strength. It will also help you understand the causes of your injuries and limitations.
November 1st, 2nd and 3rd
Friday 5:30 to 8:30PM (Tony)
Explorations of the nervous system through yoga, breath, and meditation: This training workshop will dive deep into the structure and functionality of the nervous system. We will explore the importance of this system, also make links with other systems and the rest of the body. This will be introduced by downregulating the nervous system through restorative yoga postures, breathing techniques and meditation through visualization.
Class all level
Beginners are welcome!
An accessible and fun practice with dogs.
Juliette and Olivier will be present!
Donation suggested $ 10.00 to $ 20.00
Pour le mois d'octobre tous les cours de 10 h sont 10. $
Venez nous rejoindre !!
We are now on YogaTribes! Come check out our profile and please make sure to add us in your favourites!
October 3, 2019 starts LoveYourBrain FUNdamentals yoga series. It is a FREE 6-week program that offers gentle yoga, guided meditation, and facilitated group discussion to build community and foster resilience for people with traumatic brain injury and their caregivers. Classes are limited to 13 students so sign up today! Each person must submit their own registration. If you are planning to attend with another person, please try to submit both applications close together so you both get a spot.
September 28th from 2:30 to 5:30PM
In this workshop, we will learn the functionality and connection of nerves and how to release and change neural pathways. We will explore these pathways through yoga postures, breathing techniques, meditation and visualization. We will also learn how to release compressed nerves and re-wire old dysfunctional patterns to bring the body back to alignment and health.
Workshops Dansehumaine avec Kristen Cere
15 septembre 2019
Danse humaine est un aboutissement de la danse contemporaine, de diverses techniques somatiques et du body-mind centering. Kristen Cere est une danseuse professionnelle, chorégraphe et professeure depuis plus de 15 ans. "Danse Humaine est le résultat d'années de travail et de croissance personnelle, et une recherche dans la compréhension de ce que je souhaite véritablement offrir au travers de la danse. Une façon d'utiliser mon expérience et rendre un peu de ce que j'ai reçu à la communauté"
Danse humaine is inspired by the world of contemporary dance, somatic approaches to movement and body-mind centering. Kristen Cere is a professional dancer, choreographer and teacher for over the past 15 years. "Danse Humaine is the result of years of work and personal growth and development of trying to understand what it is that I really want to offer through dance. A way to use my experience and give back to the community"
An extremely versatile tool, the chair provides excellent support and reliable external feedback that can enhance yoga practice at any level, from simple seated exercises that nearly anyone can to making complex poses accessible and creating new possibilities for deeper explorations in strength, flexibility, and awareness.
Aug 22, 5:00-9:00 pm — Seated and mild yoga series for seniors and people with reduced mobility
Aug 23 5:00-9:00 pm — Modifications of classic poses using the chair
Aug 24 8:00 am - noon — Backbending and backbending preparations unique to the chair
Aug 24 1:00-5:00 pm — Twists, arm balances, and non-traditional uses of the chair
Aug 25 noon - 4:00 pm — Hip opening, forward bends, and restoratives with the chair*
$250.00 +tax before Aug 15, $350.00 after**
*Content subject to modification based on the needs and interest of the group
Celebrate International Yoga Day with Us | June 20-21
Free Yoga all day on June 21. Bring Your Friends!
May 13th to June 17th, 2019 – 7:30 to 8:45 pm
As the pace of our lives quicken, as our stressors increase, as we are bombarded with messages designed to monetize our desires, the wisdom of the Buddhist tradition becomes even more relevant to our daily lives. Join Allison Ulan for this mindfulness meditation series on how these timeless teachings could help you find insight, peace, and clarity.
These sessions are based on Vipassana meditation and mindfulness practices to cultivate presence, compassion and emotional resilience. Each session will comprise of a 30-minute sitting practice (cushions and chairs provided) and a Dharma talk on various topics. Discussion and sharing will follow the talk in a welcoming community circle of meditators.
No sign up necessary. Attend when you can. Fee: The sessions are offered by dana (donation: no fixed charge).
Friday May 3 with James Viveiros from 10h30 to 11h45
Friday May 10 with James Viveiros from 10h30 to 11h45
Friday May 17 with Sarah Gibson from 10h30 to 11h45
Friday May 24 with Sarah Gibson from 10h30 to 11h45
Friday May 31 with Laura Toma from 10h30 to 11h45
Gaga/dancers classes are open to professional dancers or advanced dance students ages 16+.
These classes last for an hour and fifteen minutes . Gaga/dancers classes are built on the same principles as Gaga/people classes but also employ the specific vocabulary and skills that are part and parcel of a dancer’s knowledge.
Saturday, May 11 from 2:30 PM – 3:45 PM with James Viveiros
Saturday, May 25th from 2:30 PM – 3:45 PM with Laura Toma
Cost: $16 plus taxes">
Gaga is a movement language which Ohad Naharin developed over the course of many years and which is applied in daily practice and exercises by the Batsheva Dance Company members. The language of Gaga originated from the belief in the healing, dynamic, ever-changing power of movement, and it continues to evolve today.
Gaga is a new way of gaining knowledge and self-awareness through your body. Gaga provides a framework for discovering and strengthening your body and adding flexibility, stamina, and agility while lightening the senses and imagination.">
Saturday May 18th from 2:30 to 4:00PM
Detoxify. Tone up. Meditate.
Micro spherical movements
Pour nourrir votre espace de pratique in & out, divers ateliers seront offerts cet automne, plus de détails ici:
Message de la propriéatire du studio, Jeanne Mudie, pour mieux accueillir les vagues et vaguelettes de novembre: divers ateliers vous sont proposés au studio AYM!
This month is a busy one around the studio. Check out the workshops we are offering to help you ride the waves.
A special Yoga for Beginners class will run for 6 weeks (instead of the usual 8). Pierre-Vincent will lead a new Meditation series. Julien will give three Friday workshops, continuing his series focused on deepening your practice or your teachings. We are also pleased to welcome Shankara back to AYM for his Pranayama Workshop. Shankara is a gifted senior teacher and this workshop truly is the gateway to the realm of inner yogic experiences. To finish the month, Michael Bridge Dickson and I will be teaching the third weekend in our Teacher Training. (...)
Visit the Workshop section of our website for details on all our workshops
« Sometimes in the waves of change we find our new direction. »
Many of you know I grew up on an island on the West Coast. The salt of the sea is in my blood and waves are part of my essence.
Like the ocean, life comes at us in waves. Sometimes they’re small and soothing. Sometimes they’re big and scary. And we can plan all we want, but we are never really sure what kind of wave is heading towards us.
This is why we practice. For those moments of unpredictability, when things don’t go according to plan. When life delivers storms, our practice is there to help us settle and find peace within.
We can set goals, create plans, structure a life around our desires, but ultimately there are things beyond our control that we can do nothing about.
Practice is for those rogue waves. We try to settle in and sail through to calmer waters.
This November, let’s surf the mat,
Photo by Emiliano Arano from Pexels
Changements et remplaçants de novembre 2018:
Mercredi 7 novembre – Carole – 18:15
Mercredi 14 novembre – Alexe – 12:15
We are now on YogaTribes! Come check out our profile and please make sure to add us in your favourites!