Inner Game of Thriving

Bhaskar Goswami | Chef de Tribu
18 septembre, 2021 12:00 | 60 min.

À propos de la classe

This class is available for retransmission until June 20, 2022 From childhood, we are taught to familiarise ourselves with the external world. Yet, most of us have very little direct experiential familiarity with our internal world. Join senior yoga teacher Bhaskar Goswami as we deep dive into this inner world, where thoughts and emotions hang out! Where the body is constantly speaking to us in the language of sensations. This live class is about getting intimately familiar with this world of profound energy, information and intelligence, that we all have access to.
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À propos du chef de tribu


Bhaskar Goswami

Enseignant de Yoga
Bhaskar Goswami: teacher, speaker & yogipreneur Bhaskar Goswami is an impactful speaker and a senior yoga and meditation teacher from Assam, India. He is the founder of BODHI, a multiple award winning company dedicated to offering genuine wellbeing to people in workplaces. He is also the founder of daana (CBC Media Prize 2016, Startup of the


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