I take refuge in the simple idea that each time i step on my mat i choose to cultivate love and kindness instead of fear and anger! We always have a choice! #yoga #trauma #healing
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FREE YOGA CLASS @LOV VEGAN RESTAURANT! 16 OCTOBRE 12h15 pm Use the promo code : YogaLov100 info on the class http://bit.ly/2Pp5ZwF
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16 OCTOBRE 12h15 pm Use the promo code : YogaLov100 info on the class http://bit.ly/2Pp5ZwF
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16 OCTOBRE 12h15 pm
Use the promo code : YogaLov100
Anyone wants to come join me for a nice Yoga class at the LOV restaurant next tuesday ? Its super easy, just enter the promo code (YogaLov100) once you reserve to get the class for free!
Looking forward to see you on the mat!
Link to Class
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Do not say that I'll depart tomorrow
because even today I still arrive.
Look deeply: I arrive in every second
to be a bud on a spring branch,
to be a tiny bird, with wings still fragile,
learning to sing in my new nest,
to be a caterpillar in the heart of a flower,
to be a jewel hiding itself in a stone.
I still arrive, in order to laugh and to cry,
in order to fear and to hope.
The rhythm of my heart is the birth and
death of all that are alive.
to read the rest
Thich Nhat Hanh is a world renowned Vietnamese Zen Buddhist monk, teacher, author, poet and peace activist. He was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize by Martin Luther King, Jr.
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Ola! Joignez vous à moi pour une Pratique de Yoga Lunaire, Lundi prochain le 28 Août à 20h au Gym & Spa le Saint-Jude StudioBliss Montreal! Nous allons, ensemble, explorer les bienfaits de Chandra Namaskar (salutations a la Lune), et inviter doucement le silence à venir apaiser nos océans troublés! SatNam!
Event Calendar
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Namaste blissful souls! Désolé de vous annoncer que la classe d'aujourd'hui est annulée à cause de la pluie.
Sorry to announce that the class of today will be cancel due to rain!
Mais inscrivez vous a la classe mercredi prochain ou venez nous rejoindre vendredi soir le 24 août sur le bord de l'eau à verdun. Tous les détails sur YogaTribes (https://bit.ly/2OUFZsw)
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Hey Guys! I ll be teaching for TOUT LE MONDE YOGA @Botabota next wednesday at Noon! The Class is FREE! Come join me for a beautiful celebration, recovery and healing practice! Together we will grant our selves clarity and grace to our body and mind. Sta Nam! here is the link to the class http://bit.ly/2BdNxEY
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*** CLASS CANCELED *** Little reminder to let yo9u know that todays class @BOTABOTA was cancelled due to possible rain!
*** CLASSE CANCÉLÉE *** Petit rappel au sujet du cours d'aujourd'hui au BOTA BOTA le cours est annulé.
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Hello Guys! Little message to let you know that the Yoga class this Wednesday at noun is cancelled due to the weather. Hugs and light!
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Don't waste a minute and smile, laugh and rejoice! Life is so precious, do not lose time and forgive those who hurt you. Embrace with a generous heart all the tears that passed away and with a gentle smile love all that arise!
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Join me on Saturday, June 23rd from 10am-12pm at the Percival Molson Memorial Stadium for YogAuction! for Childhood Cancer Canada! It will be an exciting morning including a 60-minute yoga practice with me, a speaker series and a silent auction where you can bid on gift cards/bundles from the trendiest restaurants/shops in town.
The ticket is $20 ($15 for students) and all profits will go to Childhood Cancer Canada.
Everyone is welcome and hope to see you all there!
To start bidding visit: www.yogauction.ca
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I am so grateful to Yogatribes and especially to its founder and my Friend Sophie who gave me this beautiful Yoga Teaching experience at Alexi Nihon for the past few months! By helping spread the love of yoga and sharing it with the world, Sophie is a true Bodhisattva Warrior! Kudos to Sophie and her beautiful Yogatribes team. Share your classes, Spread your love!
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Sais-tu ce que tu fais le 12 mai prochain?
Nous organisons un événement de Yoga thématique qui sort de l'ordinaire!
En partenariat avec la Fondation Canadienne du Cancer du sein, Fill me with wonder yoga est heureux de lancer la toute première édition de Yoga en ROSE. La femme est à l'honneur en se weekend de fête des mères. Une partie des bénéfices sera remise à la Fondation Canadienne du Cancer du Sein.
Mettez votre plus belle habit rose et venez fêter avec nous. Comme d'habitude, nous aurons une thématique hors du commun, avec aromathérapie, musique et des professeurs ultra ludique!
En partenariat avec la Fondation du cancer du sein du Québec, nous sommes heureux d'offrir une partie de nos profits à cette cause qui touche tout le monde de près ou de loin un jour ou l'autre.
Pour acheter ton billet:
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We can find so much beauty and comfort when we learn to slow it down, when we learn to be in the now! Yoga is such a power tool to stay in that moment and cultivate its fruition! When we do we realize all that is around and waiting patiently for us to awaken and smile!
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Being your best is not a goal, its a practice!
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With Solstice fading, Warmth and light Is coming our way! From darkness arise wisdom and love! All the best for 2018!
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Gravity is a powerful force! When you learn to use it properly, the upside down because a beautiful new playground! — in Miami, Florida.
"Take good care of your body so that your soul wishes to stay!" We often avoid going back home, going back to our body, to our precious temple because we are scared of what is beneath our ego. But with a dedicated practice, we learn to softly land in the now without any drama and expand our heart beyond our own existence. YogaTribes Studio Bliss Le Saint-Jude Espace Tonus #yoga #meditation
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Inhale and lengthen! Soften your distracted mind. Let go of ego. Lead your peaceful warrior heart to dwell in its true nature, infinite bliss! YogaTribes Studio Bliss#Paschimottanasana #yoga photo@Lily Violette
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Don't be afraid to try new things! Enjoy every step and embrace every failure with kindness and love! Falling out of our comfort zone is how we grow best. Make every fall a beautiful statement!
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Deep inside your heart, there is a temple where you can take refuge! Listen and you will find the way in! - Samten Ozer
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Practice 3 precious guidelines to remove Shenpa (attachment):
1- Be aware of being hooked
2- Do something different
3- Repeat the above tasks
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morning detox: une grande feuille de kale, une poignée d'épinards, une banane, 500 ml lait de soya, un citron pressé, une gousse d'ail, 3 pincées de poivre de cayenne
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the way out is in!
Come join me for a beautiful yoga class this Saturday @SoundOff
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“According to the Buddha, my teacher, life is only available in the here and now. The past is already gone, and the future is yet to come. There is only one moment for me to live—the present moment. So the first thing I do is to go back to the present moment. By doing so, I touch life deeply. My in-breath is life, my out-breath is life. Each step I take is life. The air I breathe is life. I can touch the blue sky and the vegetation. I can hear the sound of the birds and the sound of another human being. If we can return to the here and now, we will be able to touch the many wonders of life that are available.”
Excerpt From: Thich Nhat Hanh , Sister Chan Kh?ng. “Be Free Where You Are"
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The key to development along the Buddhist path is repetitive routine guided by inspirational vision. —Bhikkhu Bodhi#yogaeveryday #meditation
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Learning Taraksvasana with a wall! Sva = internal power, Taraka = a demon who was slain by Kartikeya, the god of war. It's a handstand scorpion. Iyengar would call the pose Vrisikasana II.
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Have fun every step of the way!
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Hey Tribers! I'll be teaching tomorrow morning a Vinyasa Class @Sudio Bliss on Saint-laurent come join me for a beautiful heart opener practice
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Editer mon profil
I take refuge in the simple idea that each time i step on my mat i choose to cultivate love and kindness instead of fear and anger! We always have a choice! #yoga #trauma #healing
FREE YOGA CLASS @LOV VEGAN RESTAURANT! 16 OCTOBRE 12h15 pm Use the promo code : YogaLov100 info on the class http://bit.ly/2Pp5ZwF
16 OCTOBRE 12h15 pm Use the promo code : YogaLov100 info on the class http://bit.ly/2Pp5ZwF
16 OCTOBRE 12h15 pm
Use the promo code : YogaLov100
Anyone wants to come join me for a nice Yoga class at the LOV restaurant next tuesday ? Its super easy, just enter the promo code (YogaLov100) once you reserve to get the class for free!
Looking forward to see you on the mat!
Link to Class
Do not say that I'll depart tomorrow
because even today I still arrive.
Look deeply: I arrive in every second
to be a bud on a spring branch,
to be a tiny bird, with wings still fragile,
learning to sing in my new nest,
to be a caterpillar in the heart of a flower,
to be a jewel hiding itself in a stone.
I still arrive, in order to laugh and to cry,
in order to fear and to hope.
The rhythm of my heart is the birth and
death of all that are alive.
to read the rest
Thich Nhat Hanh is a world renowned Vietnamese Zen Buddhist monk, teacher, author, poet and peace activist. He was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize by Martin Luther King, Jr.
Ola! Joignez vous à moi pour une Pratique de Yoga Lunaire, Lundi prochain le 28 Août à 20h au Gym & Spa le Saint-Jude StudioBliss Montreal! Nous allons, ensemble, explorer les bienfaits de Chandra Namaskar (salutations a la Lune), et inviter doucement le silence à venir apaiser nos océans troublés! SatNam!
Event Calendar
Namaste blissful souls! Désolé de vous annoncer que la classe d'aujourd'hui est annulée à cause de la pluie.
Sorry to announce that the class of today will be cancel due to rain!
Mais inscrivez vous a la classe mercredi prochain ou venez nous rejoindre vendredi soir le 24 août sur le bord de l'eau à verdun. Tous les détails sur YogaTribes (https://bit.ly/2OUFZsw)
Hey Guys! I ll be teaching for TOUT LE MONDE YOGA @Botabota next wednesday at Noon! The Class is FREE! Come join me for a beautiful celebration, recovery and healing practice! Together we will grant our selves clarity and grace to our body and mind. Sta Nam! here is the link to the class http://bit.ly/2BdNxEY
*** CLASS CANCELED *** Little reminder to let yo9u know that todays class @BOTABOTA was cancelled due to possible rain!
*** CLASSE CANCÉLÉE *** Petit rappel au sujet du cours d'aujourd'hui au BOTA BOTA le cours est annulé.
Hello Guys! Little message to let you know that the Yoga class this Wednesday at noun is cancelled due to the weather. Hugs and light!
Don't waste a minute and smile, laugh and rejoice! Life is so precious, do not lose time and forgive those who hurt you. Embrace with a generous heart all the tears that passed away and with a gentle smile love all that arise!
Join me on Saturday, June 23rd from 10am-12pm at the Percival Molson Memorial Stadium for YogAuction! for Childhood Cancer Canada! It will be an exciting morning including a 60-minute yoga practice with me, a speaker series and a silent auction where you can bid on gift cards/bundles from the trendiest restaurants/shops in town.
The ticket is $20 ($15 for students) and all profits will go to Childhood Cancer Canada.
Everyone is welcome and hope to see you all there!
To start bidding visit: www.yogauction.ca
I am so grateful to Yogatribes and especially to its founder and my Friend Sophie who gave me this beautiful Yoga Teaching experience at Alexi Nihon for the past few months! By helping spread the love of yoga and sharing it with the world, Sophie is a true Bodhisattva Warrior! Kudos to Sophie and her beautiful Yogatribes team. Share your classes, Spread your love!
Sais-tu ce que tu fais le 12 mai prochain?
Nous organisons un événement de Yoga thématique qui sort de l'ordinaire!
En partenariat avec la Fondation Canadienne du Cancer du sein, Fill me with wonder yoga est heureux de lancer la toute première édition de Yoga en ROSE. La femme est à l'honneur en se weekend de fête des mères. Une partie des bénéfices sera remise à la Fondation Canadienne du Cancer du Sein.
Mettez votre plus belle habit rose et venez fêter avec nous. Comme d'habitude, nous aurons une thématique hors du commun, avec aromathérapie, musique et des professeurs ultra ludique!
En partenariat avec la Fondation du cancer du sein du Québec, nous sommes heureux d'offrir une partie de nos profits à cette cause qui touche tout le monde de près ou de loin un jour ou l'autre.
Pour acheter ton billet:
We can find so much beauty and comfort when we learn to slow it down, when we learn to be in the now! Yoga is such a power tool to stay in that moment and cultivate its fruition! When we do we realize all that is around and waiting patiently for us to awaken and smile!
Being your best is not a goal, its a practice!
With Solstice fading, Warmth and light Is coming our way! From darkness arise wisdom and love! All the best for 2018!
Gravity is a powerful force! When you learn to use it properly, the upside down because a beautiful new playground! — in Miami, Florida.
"Take good care of your body so that your soul wishes to stay!" We often avoid going back home, going back to our body, to our precious temple because we are scared of what is beneath our ego. But with a dedicated practice, we learn to softly land in the now without any drama and expand our heart beyond our own existence. YogaTribes Studio Bliss Le Saint-Jude Espace Tonus #yoga #meditation
Inhale and lengthen! Soften your distracted mind. Let go of ego. Lead your peaceful warrior heart to dwell in its true nature, infinite bliss! YogaTribes Studio Bliss#Paschimottanasana #yoga photo@Lily Violette
Don't be afraid to try new things! Enjoy every step and embrace every failure with kindness and love! Falling out of our comfort zone is how we grow best. Make every fall a beautiful statement!
Deep inside your heart, there is a temple where you can take refuge! Listen and you will find the way in! - Samten Ozer
Practice 3 precious guidelines to remove Shenpa (attachment):
1- Be aware of being hooked
2- Do something different
3- Repeat the above tasks
morning detox: une grande feuille de kale, une poignée d'épinards, une banane, 500 ml lait de soya, un citron pressé, une gousse d'ail, 3 pincées de poivre de cayenne
the way out is in!
Come join me for a beautiful yoga class this Saturday @SoundOff
“According to the Buddha, my teacher, life is only available in the here and now. The past is already gone, and the future is yet to come. There is only one moment for me to live—the present moment. So the first thing I do is to go back to the present moment. By doing so, I touch life deeply. My in-breath is life, my out-breath is life. Each step I take is life. The air I breathe is life. I can touch the blue sky and the vegetation. I can hear the sound of the birds and the sound of another human being. If we can return to the here and now, we will be able to touch the many wonders of life that are available.”
Excerpt From: Thich Nhat Hanh , Sister Chan Kh?ng. “Be Free Where You Are"
The key to development along the Buddhist path is repetitive routine guided by inspirational vision. —Bhikkhu Bodhi#yogaeveryday #meditation
Learning Taraksvasana with a wall! Sva = internal power, Taraka = a demon who was slain by Kartikeya, the god of war. It's a handstand scorpion. Iyengar would call the pose Vrisikasana II.
Have fun every step of the way!
Hey Tribers! I'll be teaching tomorrow morning a Vinyasa Class @Sudio Bliss on Saint-laurent come join me for a beautiful heart opener practice